We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

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Small Chapter, Big Impact

What the Delaware Chapter lacks in size it makes up for in passion. Our chapter is made up of a tight-knit group of construction financial professionals who are dedicated to helping one another by providing the resources necessary for success.


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The Delaware Chapter of CFMA provides year-round opportunities to connect with fellow members, offering a variety of events to suit member needs.

Check out Upcoming Events


CFMA is the only organization dedicated to the specific needs of the construction financial professional.  Help further your career by joining us. 

Become a Member


Chapter Committees are an integral part of the success of our chapter.  This is a great way for you to get to know other members of the association.  

Learn More About Committees

Our Officers

To edit your team members, go to the manage team members page.

Chuck Dixon
Union Wholesale Company

Vice President
Helen Apostolico
Landmark Science & Engineering

Past President
Jake Ruddy

Jack Barr
Bancroft Construction Company

Susan Miller
Gioffre Commercial Realty, LLC

CFMA's Principal Partners